version 1.1.0
Major changes in the second release 1.1.0
support added to create datacubes with any SAR product (as long as rasterio I/O supported) with (no to) limited cube configuration
time coordinates added to
of labels datacube -
datacube can be created by providing labels for subset of stack; previously for each raster, a label had to be specified
changes related to documentation include :
- notebooks overview details added
- GRD and SLC notebooks merged into a single SARDatacube notebook
- Ex3-CreatingDatacube added with details on CreatingDatacubes and CubeConfiguration
version 1.0.0
This is the first public release of the github repository that includes
creating datacubes with ICEYE L1 products (GRD/SLC)
creating datacubes with labels (raster/vector)
configuring datacubes using a JSON file for time, incidence angle and temporal resolution
dask support to create massive datacubes
extensive mkdocs documentation to get you easily started with the repository