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This page provides implementation details on the Class Datacube

Datacube core class that provides major functionalities to RW/access icecubes Please read documentation here: [] to understand more about data structure of xarray


get_all_products(xrarray) staticmethod

Given a datavariable of xr.Dataset, returns all product-files found :param data_variable:

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def get_all_products(xrarray: xr.DataArray) -> list:
    Given a datavariable of xr.Dataset, returns all product-files found
    :param data_variable:
    product_files = xrarray.attrs["product_file"]
    if not (isinstance(product_files, list)):
        product_files = [product_files]

    if not (all(e == "None" for e in product_files)):
        return product_files
        raise KeyError("product files metadata is missing from the xr.DataArray")


Given xr.Dataset, return sequence of data variables

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def get_data_variables(self) -> list:
    Given xr.Dataset, return sequence of data variables
    return list(self.xrdataset.data_vars)


Get dimension of the associated xr.Dataset returns size of xr.Dataset as dict, e.g., {"Azimuth": 100, "Range": 50}

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def get_dimensions(self) -> dict:
    Get dimension of the associated xr.Dataset
    returns size of xr.Dataset as dict, e.g., {"Azimuth": 100, "Range": 50}
    return dict(self.xrdataset.sizes)

get_index_values(index, xrarray) staticmethod

Given xr.DataArray, get_values from the index. :pararm product_file: name of the product file :pararm xrarray: xr.DataArray returns np.array otherwise unserializes the dict labels using pickle.loads()

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def get_index_values(index: str, xrarray: xr.DataArray):
    Given xr.DataArray, get_values from the index.
    :pararm product_file: name of the product file
    :pararm xrarray: xr.DataArray
    returns np.array otherwise unserializes the dict labels using pickle.loads()
    raster_dtypes = ["int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "float32", "float64"]

    # If dtype on of above, raster detected, otherwise pickl.loads() vector labels
    if xrarray.dtype in raster_dtypes:
        return np.array(xrarray.values[index])
        return pickle.loads(xrarray.values[index])

get_metadata_by_product(product_file, xrarray) staticmethod

Given xr.DataArray, return metadata from xr.DataArray filtered by product-file :pararm product_file: name of the product file :pararm xrarray: xr.DataArray :returns attributes of product file inside xr.DataArray

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def get_metadata_by_product(product_file: str, xrarray: xr.DataArray) -> dict:
    Given xr.DataArray, return metadata from xr.DataArray filtered by product-file
    :pararm product_file: name of the product file
    :pararm xrarray: xr.DataArray
    :returns attributes of product file inside xr.DataArray
    product_index = Datacube.get_product_index(product_file, xrarray)
    product_metadata = {}

    for key, metadata_seq in xrarray.attrs.items():
        product_metadata[key] = metadata_seq[product_index]

    return product_metadata

get_product_index(product_file, xrarray) staticmethod

Get index of product file from xr.DataArray :pararm product_file: name of the product file :pararm xrarray: xr.DataArray returns index of product file inside xr.DataArray

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def get_product_index(product_file: str, xrarray: xr.DataArray) -> int:
    Get index of product file from xr.DataArray
    :pararm product_file: name of the product file
    :pararm xrarray: xr.DataArray
    returns index of product file inside xr.DataArray
    if xrarray.attrs == {}:
        raise ValueError(
            f"No metadata found against provided xr.DataArray {xrarray}"

        return int(xrarray.attrs["product_file"].index(product_file))
    except Exception:
        raise KeyError(
            "product_file: {} is missing from xr.DataArray metadata".format(

get_product_values(product_file, xrarray) staticmethod

Given xr.DataArray, get productfile values. The function looks for raster types, and returns np.array otherwise unserializes the dict labels using pickle.loads() :pararm product_file: name of the product file :pararm xrarray: xr.DataArray returns values associated with the product file inside xr.DataArray

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def get_product_values(product_file: str, xrarray: xr.DataArray):
    Given xr.DataArray, get productfile values. The function looks for raster types, and returns
    np.array otherwise unserializes the dict labels using pickle.loads()
    :pararm product_file: name of the product file
    :pararm xrarray: xr.DataArray
    returns values associated with the product file inside xr.DataArray
    raster_dtypes = ["int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "float32", "float64"]

    # If dtype on of above, raster detected, otherwise pickl.loads() vector labels
    if xrarray.dtype in raster_dtypes:
        return np.array(
            xrarray.values[Datacube.get_product_index(product_file, xrarray)]
        return pickle.loads(
            xrarray.values[Datacube.get_product_index(product_file, xrarray)]

get_xrarray(self, data_variable)

Get xr.DataArray given a data-variable name :param data_variable: name of a data variable of xr.Dataset

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def get_xrarray(self, data_variable: str) -> xr.DataArray:
    Get xr.DataArray given a data-variable name
    :param data_variable: name of a data variable of xr.Dataset
    return self.xrdataset[data_variable]

get_xrarray_metadata(self, data_variable)

Get metadata of xr.DataArray :param data_variable: name of a data variable of xr.Dataset :returns attributes of xr.DataArray as dict

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def get_xrarray_metadata(self, data_variable) -> dict:
    Get metadata of xr.DataArray
    :param data_variable: name of a data variable of xr.Dataset
    :returns attributes of xr.DataArray as dict
    return self.xrdataset[data_variable].attrs


Get metadata of xr.Dataset :returns attributes of xr.Dataset as dict

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def get_xrdataset_metadata(self) -> dict:
    Get metadata of xr.Dataset
    :returns attributes of xr.Dataset as dict
    return self.xrdataset.attrs

merge_xrdatasets(xrdataset_seq, combine_attrs='drop_conflicts') staticmethod

Merge lists of Datasets together using xt.Dataset.merge :param xrdataset_seq: list of xr.Dataset :param combine_attrs: String indicating how to combine attrs of the objects being merged {"drop", "identical", "no_conflicts", "drop_conflicts", "override"}, default: "drop_conflicts")

returns combined xr.Dataset

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def merge_xrdatasets(
    xrdataset_seq: list, combine_attrs="drop_conflicts"
) -> xr.Dataset:
    Merge lists of Datasets together using xt.Dataset.merge
    :param xrdataset_seq: list of xr.Dataset
    :param combine_attrs: String indicating how to combine attrs of the objects being merged
                          {"drop", "identical", "no_conflicts", "drop_conflicts", "override"}, default: "drop_conflicts")

    returns combined xr.Dataset
    xrdataset_merged = None

    for i, xrdataset in enumerate(xrdataset_seq):
        if i < 1:
            xrdataset_merged = xrdataset

        xrdataset_merged = xrdataset_merged.merge(
            xrdataset, combine_attrs=combine_attrs

    return xrdataset_merged

read_cube(self, cube_fpath)

Given a path to datacube in netCDF4 format, read the datacube and returns the instance of class :param ciube_fpath: path/to/cube in netCDF4 format. returns instance of class with updated dataset attribute

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def read_cube(self, cube_fpath):
    Given a path to datacube in netCDF4 format, read the datacube and returns the instance of class
    :param ciube_fpath: path/to/cube in netCDF4 format.
    returns instance of class with updated dataset attribute
    with xr.open_dataset(cube_fpath) as xds:
        self.xrdataset = xds

    return self

set_xrdataset(self, xrdataset)

set xarray dataset as Datacube attribute :pararm xrdataest: update dataset attribute of the class, of type xr.Dataset

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def set_xrdataset(self, xrdataset: xr.Dataset):
    set xarray dataset as Datacube attribute
    :pararm xrdataest: update dataset attribute of the class, of type xr.Dataset
    self.xrdataset = xrdataset
    return self

to_file(self, output_fpath, format='netCDF4')

:param output_fpath: path/to/ where xr.Dataset will be saved :param format: File format for the resulting netCDF file, can be {"NETCDF4", "NETCDF4_CLASSIC", "NETCDF3_64BIT", "NETCDF3_CLASSIC"}

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def to_file(self, output_fpath: str, format="netCDF4"):
    :param output_fpath: path/to/ where xr.Dataset will be saved
    :param format: File format for the resulting netCDF file,
                  can be {"NETCDF4", "NETCDF4_CLASSIC", "NETCDF3_64BIT", "NETCDF3_CLASSIC"}
    if self.xrdataset is None:
        raise Exception("Please reformat the")

    self.xrdataset.to_netcdf(output_fpath, mode="w", format=format)